Dr. Bronner's Magic Soapbox

I just recently came across a documentary for Dr. Bronner's Magic soaps. There is so much more to it than I previously knew, sure I've seen the strange looking soaps at the store but never knew what they were all about. After watching this documentary, I now understand and have a new found respect for the people that own and run the company. I just have to say Wow! It has inspired me. I never thought that soap products would be the one's to do that but it cut straight to the heart. At first I thought it was a little strange and I was a little weirded out but the more I watched the more I realized they are trying to do some good in this world and you know what, I am going to try this as soon as I can. I will post my review when I do. If you don't know a lot about it Dr. Bronner's magic soaps they are mostly concentrated organic soaps that are good for washing anything from hair to cars, he also preaches "All-One-God-Faith" but you don't have to be religious to like it, the website has more information on some other subjects and is definitely worth your time.
For a Preview on the documentary- Click here
For Dr.Bronner's website- Click here
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